Our excellent reputation as a liquid seal fabricator has been earned through experience.
Over the years, our commitment to customer service has allowed us to develop a reputation as the “go-to” shop for projects with a tight timeline or that have run into trouble. On numerous occasions, we have been asked to help “save” a project from an unforeseen problem in supply or scheduling.
In this particular case, we were asked if we could build a complete liquid seal vessel in only 5 weeks, which is approximately half the best lead time that would normally be quoted by our competitors. Another fabricator had started the project, but was not maintaining the schedule, and this equipment was going into a shutdown situation. Because of our strong relationship with this particular equipment designer, and the needs of their end user, we accepted the challenge and committed to the timeline. We got the project done on time, had the equipment delivered to the site, and the end user was able to install it during their end-of-year shutdown and avoid significant downtime.